Mise a place


What can you learn

Introduction to the course
Welcome to our course on mise en place! In this course, we will explore the essential preparation techniques and organization skills needed for effective kitchen management. We will cover topics such as knife skills, ingredient preparation, and equipment handling, giving you the knowledge and skills to create a successful and efficient mise en place. By the end of this course, you will be equipped with the tools necessary to streamline your kitchen processes and improve your culinary output.
Hot topics
  • Station Set-Up: This short course covers the importance of setting up a station for maximum efficiency, including organizing tools and ingredients, and creating a workflow that minimizes unnecessary movement.
  • Equipment Preparation: This short course teaches how to properly prepare kitchen equipment before use, including sharpening knives, checking temperature controls, and cleaning surfaces.

Hospitalify B.V.


Welcome to our course on mise en place! In this course, we will explore the essential preparation techniques and organization skills needed for effective kitchen management. 


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